Friday, May 13, 2005

Fargo's big day -from Laurel

fargos big day. one day fargothedog got up in the morning, shedded some on his bed and chewed on his itchy hips and then went for a walk with the big bald weird dogs who fed him. this was the usual morning routine but today the cute brown dog next door and her bald dogs came too. she peed alot and he liked to grin at her and sniff where she peed. then a time of sadness and despair came when they were both tied to a tree while the bald dogs ate good smelling food not far away. but fargo could see them and got some bites of toast and the brown dog amused him by scooting around on the sidewalk on her butt and then turning around and sniffing the sidewalk. she let him sniff the sidewalk, too. it smelled good like her butt. she was very whiny and barked at the baldogs while they were eating but fargo was a gooddog and just bugged his eyes out at them as far as he could to let them know that he could use a little more toast and that his butt itched.
then fargothedog got in the car and sat down on the floorboards and stared at the girl bald dog until they got to the headlands where the bald dogs did all kinds of boring things not involving sticks. but he got to sit in the sun and sniff deer poo and run around and chew on a kong that tasted like boxerdog spit. sometimes they'd throw a stick for him and he'd get very excited and focused. sometimes they yelled at him and made him worried and sad because he wanted to play but apparently they wanted him to lie on a bed that smelled like boxerdog. boring. stinky. boxerdog bed. sometimes he just doesn't understand bald dogs even though his butt goes bald sometimes with how hard he tries to understand. but it was a good time anyway, and he liked to poop in the grass and eat grass and try to get random strangers to play with him. then they went to the beach! just for a little while because it was getting cold, but WOW there were sticks everywhere and sand to run in and even a stinky wet old tennis ball that he could eat sand off of. his feet got a little wet, which he didnt like, and sometimes his ball went in the ocean, which he really didnt like, but then he learned that if he just ran back and forth and kept the water away from his toes sometimes the ball would come back and he could grab it. there was a strange tense moment when a big fuzzy dumb bad dog ran up and jumped on him and tried to bite him but then the bad bald dog with him jumped on the fuzzy bad dog and squashed him and yelled at him and fargo got to just lie there with his good bald dogs and smile and pant and feel smug. while they drove home he licked sand off his face which made him very thirsty and make strange faces. by the time they got home he was tired and a little stiff but this was a very big day because he got to go over to the brown dogs house and play with her toys and her while everyone went to dinner. the bad things were that they didnt bring him any meatloaf and there was a weird scary gray cat staring at him at the brown dogs house but the good thing was that everyone petted him and he got to chew on the brown dogs squeeky ball on the floor until there was a huge puddle of his drool that the brown dog licked up. he slept very well taht night. it was a big day. he even had stinky farts that night. a very good day indeed.

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