Thursday, October 06, 2005

Sweet Zombie Jesus

Here's yet another reason why the internet rules. Zombie Simulator

And now a series of links:

1 Bloglines is a great way to keep track of your favorite websites or blogs. I love it mainly because I surf across 4 different machines, and bloglines keeps me straight.
2. Best car geekery Blog I've read. I love this guy's writing. If you like old cars, or odd ball car/mechanical related stuff, read his blog. Also he has Heelers so you know he's all right.
3. Trane's blog while he's teaching in Japan. Funny, well written and beautifully photographed.
4. And even though Flash may be devil spawn this game is terribly addictive. Actually all their games are. Warning: may lead to lost productivity and a tendancy to mutter

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