Friday, November 26, 2004


This year I had one of the quietest, laziest Thanksgivings ever. It was wonderful. Now don't get me wrong, I love seeing family, friends, and being surrounded by lots of lively conversation and wonderful food, but sometimes that can be a bit wearing. This year, my family will be getting together on Saturday, so I'll still get my boisterous holiday fix, but yesterday, it was just Meredith and me. Her kids had gone to their aunts house with their dad, and that just left Meredith, Fargo, Jack the bastard cat, and me to cook, eat, sleep, and lounge. The food was fantastic, not only can meredith roast a great turkey, but her gravy is second to none. We ended up making enough food for 10 people, and we ate a couple of time throughout the day. Fargo even got some turkey, and he was never far from the table (through most of the meal you could see his perky ears just peaking above the edge hoping that gravity would do it's magic and make the platter of meat fall to it's demise). So we had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, home-made cranberry sauce, yams, and rolls. Along with some beer, wine, and sparkling cider. Then it was a waddle to bed to watch "The Big Liebowski" from under the covers. Perfect. Meredith even wore her special blue sparkly tuu-tuu for the occasion, while I was in my standard issue sweater and grey dickies. Had I known there was going to be a sparkly tuu-tuu involved I would've gussied up a bit more.

This morning we slept in, had pumpking pie and tea for breakfast before taking the kids and dog to flying goat for a post-thanksgiving meet-n-greet with a whole cast of friends. I saw Miles, Leanne, Dez, Caitlin, Meredith's ex-sisters in-law, Walt, and some guy who I couldn't place. It occured to me later that the guy I couldn't place was Mr. Lehmann who was the vice-principal from my highschool. We both did the I-know-you-from-somewhere-but-can't-place-it eye contact and 'hi'.

I was going to do no shopping today, and at least I won't be doing much. I need to get Andy his xmas presents, and put them in the mail to india.

Tomorrow Gary and I will be looking at one or two boats. I'm hoping that one of them will be right. The New Daisy, while I think she was the right boat, was the wrong price. The two we will be looking at tomorrow are stupidly cheap. It just remains to be seen if they aren't stupidly-maintained..

1 comment:

zelia said...

It was really good, wasn't it? I was very happy. And soon I will be very fat from all the leftovers which I am eating with abandon.